{" Add Insurance Number":"Add Insurance Number"," Add photo":"Add photo"," Add photo ":"Add photo"," Export Certificate Pdf":"Print Certificate"," Products":" Products"," Select product first":"Select product first"," Select product first ":"Select product first"," Validating credit card details":"Validating credit card details","..or submit link to the file":"..or submit link to the file","(*) Required field":"(*) Required field","(use cents!)":"(use cents!)","10 times in year or more often":"10 times in year or more often","2 Years":"2 Years","3 Days":"3 Days","3 Months":"3 Months","6 Months":"6 Months","About Us":"About us","Accident":"Incident","According to agreement":"According to agreement","Accounting Assistant":"Accounting Assistant","Action":"Action","action":"Action","Action Item Status":"Action Status","Action Items":"Action Items","Actions":"Tasks","Actions Items":"Tasks","Actions_dash":"Actions","Active":"Active","Activity Feed":"Activity feed","Add":"Add","Add a file":"Add a file","Add a new file":"Add a new file","Add a tag":"Add a tag","Add admin":"Add admin","Add Alert setting":"Add alert","Add another chemical":"Add another chemical","Add atleast one component":"Add at least one component","Add attachment":"Add attachment","Add Chemical":"Add Chemical","Add comment":"Add comment","Add comment to activity feed":"Add comment to activity feed","Add completed trainings or set training requirements for persons":"Add trainings or requirements to persons","Add description":"Description","Add file by clicking here":"Add file","Add files by clicking here":"Add files by clicking here","Add files by clicking or dragging them here...":"Add files by clicking or dragging them here...","Add Group":"Add Group","Add Insurance Number":"Add Insurance Number","Add item":"Add item","Add Language":"Add Language","Add Link":"Add Link","Add more":"Add user","Add more participants":"Add more participants","Add New":"Add New","Add new contractor":"Add new contractor","Add new signature":"Add new signature","Add new tag":"Add a new tag","Add Participant":"Add Participant","Add photo ":"Add photo","Add Profile image by clicking or dragging it here...":"Add Profile image by clicking or dragging it here...","Add replacement chemical":"Add replacement chemical","Add Review":"Add Review","Add risk assessment":"Add risk assessment","Add rule":"Add rule","Add rule to component":"Add rule to component","Add SDS":"Add SDS","Add subtask":"Add subtask","Add target":"Add receiver","Add to cart":"Add to cart","Add to Cart":"Add to Cart","Add to organization":"Add to organization","Add tools":"Add tools","Add Training":"Add Training","Add user":"Add user","Add user:":"aa","Add users":"Add users","Add your favorite tools":"Add your favorite tools","Added":"Added","Added a New Admin":"Added a new account owner","Added a new Admin":"Added a new account owner","added attachment":"added attachment","added file":"added file","added_user":"added to the conversation","Additional costs are calculated based on values you have entered":"Additional costs are calculated based on values you have entered","Additional details":"Additional details","Additional information":"Additional information","Additional Information":"Additional information","Additional receivers":"Receivers","Address":"Address","Address saved":"Address saved","Addtional receivers":"Send comment to","Admin":"Admin","Admin Email":"Account owner email","Admins":"Account owners","Aerosol":"Aerosol","Affected Users":"User","affectedusers_component":"User","After successfully completing this course a card is posted to your address":"aa","After successfully completing this course a card is posted to your address. Please fill in the the address where you would like the card to be posted":"After successfully completing this course a card is posted to your address. Please fill in the the address where you would like the card to be posted","ago":"ago","Alert on update":"Alert always when updated","Alert setting":"Alert","Alert setting deleted":"Alert deleted","Alert setting updated":"Alert updated","Alert settings":"Alerts","All":"All","All custom matrix - compare components must be linked to another component":"All custom matrix - compare components must be linked to another component","All details about the training":"Training performance details","All done":"All done","All files":"All files","All Filters":"Filters","All Observations":"All Observations","All participants must have name and valid email":"All participants must have name and valid email","All reviews are from verified participants":"All reviews are from verified participants","All rows and fields must be filled":"All fields must be filled.","All tasks":"All tasks","All Todos":"All Actions","Already our customer":"Already our customer","Ammatti_component":"Title","Ammattip\u00e4tevyysmerkit\u00f6j\u00e4 tarvitsevat l\u00e4ht\u00f6kohtaisesti kaikki C-luoka ajo-oikeuden sek\u00e4 kaikki D1- tai D-luokan ajo-oikeuden omaavat henkil\u00f6t, jotka ajavat ty\u00f6kseen kuorma- tai linja-autoa":"Professional qualification certifications are primarily needed for drivers who have C, D1 or D-class certification","amount":"Amount","Amount":"Amount","Amount of Documents":"Amount of Documents","Amount of Documents by Site":"Amount of Documents by Site","Amount of Documents by Time":"Amount of Documents by Time","Amount of Documents by Time and Site":"Amount of Documents by Time and Site","Amount of incidents":"Amount","Amount of incidents per category":"Amount per category","Amount of observations":"Amount","Amount of observations:":"dasfdsf","Amount of use per year":"Amount of use per year","Amout of use per year":"Amount of use per year","An error occurred":"An error occured, contact Impact -support","Analytics":"Analytics","Analytics Beta":"Analytics (beta)","AND":"AND","APM":"DPC","APM Possible":"APM Possible","APM possible":"APM possible","apm price":"apm price","apm price (use cents!)":"apm price (use cents!)","Approve":"Approve","Apr":"Apr","Archive":"Archive","Archive chemical subscription":"Archive chemical subscription","Archive confirmation":"Confirm archive","Archive2":"Archive","archived_date":"Archived date","Are you business or private customer":"Are you business or private customer","Are you interested in ordering trainings for other people":"Are you interested in ordering trainings for other people?","Are you sure you wan't to see private fields?":"Are you sure you wan't to see the private fields?","Are you sure you want cancel":"Are you sure you want cancel","Are you sure you want to archive the list":"Are you sure you want to archive the list","Are you sure you want to archive this chemical subscription?":"Are you sure you want to archive this chemical subscription?","Are you sure you want to change organisation default notification settings? This will change notification settings for all users.":"Are you sure you want to change organisation default notification settings? This will change notification settings for all users.","Are you sure you want to delete a subtask? You would not be able to restore it later.":"Are you sure you want to delete a subtask? You would not be able to restore it later.","Are you sure you want to delete template?":"Are you sure you want to delete this tool?","Are you sure you want to delete the invoice address":"Are you sure you want to delete the invoice address","Are you sure you want to delete the list":"Are you sure you want to delete the list?","Are you sure you want to delete this alert setting?":"Are you sure you want to delete this alert?","Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?":"Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Are you sure you want to delete this file?","Are you sure you want to delete this message?":"Are you sure you want to delete this message?","Are you sure you want to delete your profile picture?":"Are you sure you want to delete your profile picture?","Are you sure you want to leave this conversation?":"Are you sure you want to leave this conversation?","Are you sure you want to make copy of this tool?":"Are you sure you want to make copy of this tool?","Are you sure you want to remove the admin":"Are you sure you want to remove the account owner","Are you sure you want to remove user from admins":"Are you sure you want to remove user from account owners","Are you sure you want to reset":"Are you sure you want to reset","Are you sure you want to see private fields?":"Are you sure you want to see private fields?","Are you sure you want to start the course by yourself":"Are you sure you want to start the course by yourself? You cannot cancel after spending the credit.","Are you sure you want to unarchive the list":"Are you sure you want to unarchive this document","Articles":"Articles","Ask":"Ask","Ask address from user":"Ask address from user","Ask cost center":"Ask cost center","Ask email":"Ask email","Ask for price":"Ask for price","Ask User":"Ask User","Askarruttaako ammattip\u00e4tevyys? Anna Koulutusmaailman HelpDeskin auttaa":"Wondering about professional qualification? Let Koulutusmaailma's HelpDesk help you","Assign":"Assign","Assign to someone else":"Assign to someone else","Assign to users":"Assign to users","Assign updated":"Responsable updated, email sent","Assigned":"Assigned","Assigned to user":"Assigned to user","Assigned! User(s) has been emailed about the course":"Email invite has been sent to users","Assigned! Users(s) has been been emailed about the course":"Email invite has been sent to the users","Attach":"Addional measure","Attachment deleted":"Attachment deleted","Attachment uploaded":"Attachment uploaded","Attachments":"Attachments","Audit":"Audit","Audit By":"Created by","Audition":"Audit","Audition Done":"Audit Done","Auditor":"Creator","Aug":"Aug","Auto Action":"Always task","Automation rule":"Automation rule","Automation rule created action":"Automation rule {{alert_name}} created action for user {{user}}","Availability":"Availability","Available":"Available","Average value":"Average","Avg closing times":"AVG Closing times","AVG Closing times":"AVG Closing times","AVG Closing times (days)":"AVG Closing times (days)","AVG Index_dash":"AVG Index","Back":"Back","Back to Login":"Back to Login","Back to previous matrices":"Back","Background photo":"Background photo","Bank Account BIC":"Bank Account BIC","Bank Account IBAN":"Bank Account IBAN","Before starting the course, you need to complete your profile":"Let's complete your profile before starting the course","blue":"blue","Both":"Both","Breathing":"Respiratory","Browse":"Browse","Browse Courses":"Browse Courses","Browse Data":"Browse","Browse Documents_dash":"Documents list","Browse_dash":"Observations list","Bubble":"Probability and severity","Business":"Business","Business ID":"Business ID","Business Unit Manager":"Business Unit Manager","Buy more":"Order more","Buy more training credits":"Buy more training credits","by_E-invoice":"E-Invoice","by_email":"By email","By_Email":"By email","by_Email":"By email","by_Post":"By post","Call center":"Call center","Can't archive a list that has active tasks":"Can't archive a list that has active tasks","Cancel":"Cancel","Cancelled":"Cancelled","Cannot add employee to user":"Cannot add employee to user","Cannot assign the course":"Cannot assign the course","Cannot remove as this component is part of rule":"Remove this components rules, before deleting this component","Caption":"Caption","Card marked as posted":"Card marked as posted","Card not generated yet":"Card has not been generated yet","Card PDF":"Card PDF","Card Training":"Card Training","Card valid":"Card valid","Cards":"Cards","Cards Updated":"Cards Updated","Cart":"Cart","CAS Numbers":"CAS-numbers","Categories_dash":"Categories","Category":"Category (Optional)","Category Values by Levels":"Values by level","Category values by Levels":"Values by level","Category Values by Time":"Values by time","Catering":"Catering","Change":"Change","Change Chemical":"Change Chemical","Change logo":"Change logo","Change password":"Change password","Change photo":"Change photo","Change Profile image by clicking or dragging it here...":"Change Profile image by clicking or dragging it here...","Change status":"Change status","Change your password":"Change your password","Changes saved":"Changes saved","Check Availibility":"Check availability","Check internet status":"Check internet status","Check your order details and if you are ordering classroom trainings enter participants details":"Check your order details and if you are ordering classroom trainings enter participants details","Checkbox_component":"Checkbox","checkbox_component":"Checkbox","Checklist":"Checklist","Checkout":"Checkout","Checkout_email_example":"email","Checkout_invoice_title_einvoice":"For invoicing we use e-invoice by default","Checkout_invoice_title_email":"Invoicing email (if e-invoice is not used)","Checkout_look_vat":"You can look for VAT-ids here","Checkout_pay_company":"Company will pay the invoice","Checkout_pay_self":"I will pay the invoice myself","Chemical":"Chemical","Chemical Admin":"ImpactAdmin Chemicals","Chemical in account":"Chemical in account","Chemical Maw":"Chemical Maw","Chemical Mouth":"Chemical Mouth","Chemical name":"Chemical name","Chemical Registry":"Chemical Registry","Chemical Risk Assessment Status":"Chemical Risk Assessment Status","chemical_no":"not in use","Chemical_not_found_search":"Chemical you search for was not found. Please request addition of a chemical from your Kiwa Impact contact.","Chemicals":"Chemicals","Chemicals Admin":"ImpactAdmin Chemicals","Choose":"Choose","Choose invoice details":"Choose from your previous invoice details","Choose Language":"Choose Language","Choose password":"Choose password","Choose Password":"Choose password","Choose responsible":"Choose responsible","Choose template":"Select tool","Choose your preferred training type":"Choose your preferred training type","City":"City","Class room training open for everyone, training will be held if there are enough participants":"Classroom training open for everyone. Training will be held if there are enough participants","Classroom":"Classroom","Classroom training open for everyone, training will be organized with 100% certainty":"Classroom training open for everyone, training will be organized with 100% certainty","Classrooms":"Classrooms","Classsroom":"Classsroom","Clear":"Clear","Clear Filters":"Clear Filters","Clear location":"Clear location","Click here to see contact information and opening hours":"Click here to see contact information and opening hours","Close":"Close","Code":"Code","Collapse all":"Collapse","Color":"Color","Comment":"Description","Comments":"Comments","Common Action Items":"Common Actions","Company":"Company","Company Official Name":"Company Official Name","Compare components has to be linked to another component":"Fill in Linked component field","Completed":"Completed","Completed at":"Completed at","Completely renewed training platform":"Completely renewed training platform","Component must have a name":"Component must have a name","Component name":"Component name","Component name is already in use":"Component name is already in use","Component name must be unique":"Component name must be unique","Components":"Available components","Components shown":"Creating phase","compressed gas":"Gas under pressure","Conditions at the workplace":"Conditions at the workplace","Confirm":"Confirm","Confirm Finish":"Confirm","Connection status: Offline":"Connection status: Offline","Connection status: Online":"Connection status: Online","Contact":"Contact","Contact Email":"Contact Email","Contact person":"Contact person","contact us":"contact us","Content":"Content","Continue":"Continue","Continue Later":"Continue later","Continue later":"Continue later","Continue reading":"Continue reading","Continue shopping":"Continue shopping","Continue Shopping":"Continue Shopping","Contractor hours":"Contractors (hours)","contractorCompany":"Contractor company","contractors":"Contractors","Contractors":"Contractors","Conversation":"Conversation","Conversations":"Conversations","Copy as a new list":"Copy to start new","Copy as new":"Create a copy","Copy created":"Copy created","corrosive":"Corrosive","Cost center":"Cost center","Cost centers":"Cost centers","costcenter_component":"Cost center","costCenterLevelName":"Cost Center","Country":"Country","Course":"Training","Course Certificate":"Course Certificate","Course language":"Course language","Course name":"Course name","Course Name Translations":"Course Name Translations","courses":"courses","Courses":"Courses","Create a new":"Create a new","Create a new form":"Create a new form","Create a task":"Create a task","Create dummy user":"Did not find the person? Create a new user","Create new":"Create new","Create New Contractor":"Create New Contractor","Create new link":"Create new link","Create New User":"Create New User","Create Todo":"Add action","Created":"Created","created":"Created","Created at":"Created at","Created At":"Created at","Creating list":"Creating list","Credit Card":"Credit Card","Credit Cards":"Credit Card","Credits":"Credits","Credits Sent":"Credits Sent","Current organisation":"Current organisation","Current password":"Current password","Currently not available":"Currently not available","Custom ID":"Custom ID","Customer":"Customer","Customer Service Manager":"Customer Service Manager","Customer will gather trainees for private group. Arrangements details will be agreed after sending the order request":"Customer employess will form a private group. Details will be agreed after sending the request","customrisks_compare_component":"Risk matrix - Compare","customrisks_initial_component":"Risk matrix - Initial","Daily and 1 hour or more":"Daily and 1 hour or more","Daily, but less than 1 hour per. day":"Daily, but less than 1 hour per. day","Danger":"Danger","Danger of significant environmental damage":"Danger of significant environmental damage","DangerClass":"Pictogram","Dashboard":"Dashboard","Data Collection":"Hour reporting","Data collection":"Hour reporting","Date":"Date","Date + Time":"Date + Time","Date created":"Created at","Date only":"Date only","Date_component":"Date","date_component":"Date","day":"Day","Day":"Day","Days":"days","days":"days","Deadline":"Deadline","Deadline at":"Deadline at","Dec":"Dec","Default":"Default","Default cost center":"Default cost center","Default deadline (days)":"Default deadline (days)","Default level":"Default level","Default todo user":"Default responsible","Delete a file":"Confirm file deletion","Delete a subtask":"Delete a subtask","Delete attachment":"Delete attachment","Delete confirmation":"Delete confirmation","Delete selected invoice address":"Delete selected invoice address","Delete Todo":"Delete Subtask","deleted attachment":"deleted attachment","Description":"Description","description":"Description","Descriptions":"Descriptions","Details":"Details","details cannot be modified":"details cannot be modified","Did not find the correct person? Create a new one_component":"Did not find the correct person? ","Do you need to know how many professional qualification days you have already? Professional Qualification HelpDesk will help you":"Do you need to know how many professional qualification days you have already? Professional Qualification HelpDesk will help you","Do you want to assign the course for yourself or someone else":"Do you want to start course by yourself or assign to someone else","Do you want to start course by yourself or assign to someone else":"Do you want to start course by yourself or assign to someone else","Document":"Document","Document ID":"Document ID","Document info":"Document info","Document version":"Document version","Documents":"Documents","Documents_dash":"Documents","Documents-page":"Documents -page","Done":"Done","Done at":"Compeleted","Download":"Download","Download Certificate":"Download Certificate","Download PDF":"Download PDF","Drivers Professional Competence":"Driver Certificate of Professional Competence","Drop images here":"Drop images here","Duration (days)":"Duration (days)","Duration (hours)":"Duration (hours)","E-invoice address":"E-invoice address","E-invoice address:":"E-invoice address:","E-invoice operator":"E-invoice operator","E-invoice operator:":"E-invoice operator:","EC Numbers":"EC-numbers","Edit":"Edit","Edit contractor":"Edit contractor's information","Edit conversation":"Edit conversation","Edit link":"Edit link","Edit risk assessment":"Edit risk assessment","Edit tags":"Edit tags","Edit visibility rules for components":"Edit visibility rules for components","Editor":"Editor","Ei puhelinta_component":"Phone number not known","EiVakituistaTyontekopaikkaa":"No regular working address","EiVakituistaTyontekopaikkaa_component":"No regular working address","Elearning":"Elearning","Elearning \/ InstaAudit":"InstaAudit","Elearning credits will be used in this organisation":"Elearning credits will be used in this organisation","Elearning-course can only be completed by completing successfully the elearning-material, it cannot ":"Elearning-course can only be completed by completing successfully the elearning-material, it cannot be manually set as completed.","Elearning, training can be started immediately after ordering":"You can start the elearning immediately after ordering or assign it to someone else","Electronic support":"Email","Email":"Email","email":"email","Email changed successfully":"Email changed successfully","Email changed successfully!":"a","Email verification message sent to your new email address":"Email verification message has been sent to your old email address","Email_component":"Email","Emergency Info":"Emergency Info","Employees":"Employees","empty":"empty","Enable feedback":"Enable feedback","English":"English","Enter contact details":"Enter contact details","Enter customer details, or login if you have ordered previously":"Enter customer details, or login if you have ordered previously","Enter first number":"Enter first number","Enter name":"Enter a name","Enter number manually":"Enter number manually","Enter participants":"Enter participants","Enter users":"Enter users","Enter your details":"Enter your details","Enter your email address":"Enter your email address","Enter your email address?":"Enter your email address","Enter your post address":"Enter your post address","Enter your username and password to login":"Enter your username and password to login","environmental hazard":"Hazardous to the environment","equal or greater than":"equal or greater than","equal or less than":"equal or less than","Error happened, your card was not charged":"Something went wrong, your card was not charged","Error message":"Error message","ERRORED":"ERRORED","Etunimet_component":"Firstname(s)","Euro price":"Euro price","Events":"Events","Expand all":"Expand","Expires":"Expires","explosive":"Explosive","Export":"Export","Export chemical listing":"Export chemical listing","Export Excel":"Export Excel","Exposure unlikely":"Exposure unlikely","Eyes":"Eye contact","Fail":"Failed","Failed":"Failed","Fashion and style":"Training","Favorite":"Favorite","Favorite templates":"Favorite templates","Favorite tools":"Favorite tools","Featured":"Featured","Feb":"Feb","Feedback for reporter":"Feedback for reporter","Field frequency_of_use_environment is required":" Environment - probability is required","Field frequency_of_use_fire is required":" Fire and explosion - probability is required","Field frequency_of_use_health is required":" Health - frequency of use is required","Field method_of_use_health is required":"Health - method of use is required","Field name is required":"Name is required field","Fields":"Fields","File":"File","File is not a zip":"File is not a zip","File is too large":"File is too large","file_component":"File","Filename":"Filename","Fill all required processing fields":"Fill in all required processing fields","Fill in":"Fill in","Fill in the document before moving to preview":"Fill in the document before moving to preview","Fill the following details":"Fill in the following details","Fill to change password":"Fill to change password","Filter":"Filter","Filters":"Filters","Finish":"Finish","Finished":"Finished","Finishing tool":"Finalizing...","Finnish":"Finnish","Fire":"Fire","Fire and Explosion":"Fire and Explosion","Firstname":"Firstname","fixedUser":"Task responsible","flammable":"Flammable","For me":"For me","Forerunner":"Forerunner","Forgot Password":"Forgot Password","Forgot your password":"Forgot your password?","Forklift Driver Training":"Forklift Driver Training","Form":"Form","Form Done":"Form Done","Format":"Format","Forms":"Forms","Frequency of use":"Frequency of use","Frequent":"Frequent","From":"From","Full description":"Full description","Full Preview":"Full Preview:","Gas":"Gas","General":"General","General details":"General details","Generate":"Generate","Generate Cards":"Generate Cards","Generate PDF":"Generate PDF","Generate Postals":"Generate Postals","Give feedback to reporter":"Give feedback to reporter","Good Practice":"Good Practice","GPS_dash":"Map","gpslocation_component":"Location","greater than":"greater than","Grid":"Grid","Group":"Group","Group name":"Group name","Group-training cannot be manually set as completed. It will only show as completed when all training":"Group-training consists of multiple trainings, it will show as completed only when all the other trainings are completed.","groupName":"Group name","groups":"Groups","Groups":"Groups","Guest User":"Guest User","H Statements":"H statements","H statements":"H statements","H-statements":"H-statements","harmful":"Health hazard\/Hazardous to the ozone layer","has been sent to user":"has been sent to user","Has OEL":"Has OEL","Has Photos":"Has Photos","Hazard class":"Hazard class","Hazard classes":"Hazard classes","Hazard Icon":"Hazard Icon","Hazard icons":"Hazard icons","Hazard statements":"Hazard statements","Health":"Health","health hazard":"Systemic health hazards","Health hazard":"Health hazard","health_method_use_option_1":"Closed system","health_method_use_option_3":"-Partially closed system -Washing machines -Closed degreasing vessel","health_method_use_option_5":"- Open vessels - Application on larger surfaces - Heating of liquids - Dust formation during processing","health_method_use_option_7":"- Spray application - Aerosol formation - Leakage in pressure system - Degradation due to heating","Help Articles":"Help Articles","Help text":"Help text","Henkilotunnus ei tiedossa_component":"Personal identification not known","Henkilotunnus_component":"Personal identication number","here":"","Here are some of our most popular trainings, you can choose from here or browse all the available trainings":"Here are some of our most popular trainings. You can choose from here or browse all the available trainings","Here are some of our most popular trainings, you can choose from here or browse all the available trainings.":"Here are some of our most popular trainings, you can choose from here or browse all the available trainings.","Here is your private key.":"!! IMPORTANT: Here is your private key, this is the ONLY time you will see it and there is no way of retrieving it later.","Hidden":"Processing phase","Hidden List":"Hidden","Hide":"Hide","Hide headers":"Hide headers","Hide private fields":"Hide private fields","High probability of exposure":"High probability of exposure","High Quality":"High Quality","High risk of serious or irreversible environmental damage":"High risk of serious or irreversible environmental damage","History":"History","Home":"Home","Hours per day":"Hours per day","hours per week":"hours per week","Hours per week":"Hours per week","How many credits":"How many credits","I get notifications":"Notifications","I have read terms":"I accept terms and conditions","I have read terms and bla bla":"I have read terms and conditions","I understand that by saving new version of this component is created and old and new data is not comparable anymore":"I understand, that changing the matrix size or the name, causes that the data created before the change cannot shown in the same charts with the data after the change in the analytics.","I want":"I want","I want ammattip\u00e4tevyysmerkinn\u00e4n":"I want Drivers Professional Competence","Icons":"Icons","Identified uses":"Identified uses","if":"if","If component":"If component","If you enrolled on a classroom, you will get a separate course information email later":"If you enrolled on a classroom, you will get a separate course information email later","If you have any questions, please contact us and we are happy to help":"If you have any questions, please contact us and we are happy to help","If you have any questions, please feel free to":"If you have any questions, please feel free to","If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, our customer service center is working for you 24\/7.":"If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.","If you have used InstaAudit -platform, type your username":"If you already have InstaAudit-account, type in your username","If you have used InstaAudit -platform, type your username.":"Enter your email address","Image Size":"Image size","Impact-trial valid until":"Impact-trial valid until","In a month":"In a month","In a week":"In a week","Incident frequency per million working hours":"Frequency per million working hours","Incidents_dash":"Frequency","Include all the sublevels":"Include all the sublevels","Includes a card":"Includes a card","Includes card":"Includes card","Index":"Index","Index_dash":"Index","info":"Information","Information":"Information","Inhalation":"Inhalation","Injured User Selection_component":"Injured person","injureduser_component":"Injured person","Injury":"Injury","InstaAudit is now Impact":"InstaAudit is now Impact","InstaAudit will be shown in this language":"System operating language","InstaAudit will be shown in this language for new users":"This is the default system language for new users","Insurance Company":"Insurance Company","Insurance component is only allowed on Injury typed lists":"Insurance component is only allowed on Injury-type tools","Insurance Number":"Insurance Number","Insurance Number Selection_component":"Insurance number","Insurance Numbers":"Insurance Numbers","insurance_component":"Insurance","insurancenumber_component":"Insurance number","Invalidating \/ irreversible injuries":"Invalidating \/ irreversible injuries","Invite link":"Invite link","Invite User":"Invite User","invited you to start elearning course":"invited you to start elearning course","Invoice":"Invoice","Invoice address":"Invoice address","Invoice details":"Invoice details","Invoice email will be sent to":"Invoice email will be sent to","Invoice email will be sent to:":"Invoice email will be sent to:","Invoice reference":"Invoice reference","Invoice Reference":"Invoice Reference","Is":"Is","is empty":"is empty","is equal or greater than":"is equal or greater than","is equal or less than":"is equal or less than","is greater than":"is greater than","is less than":"is less than","is not empty":"is not empty","is not one of":"is not one of","is one of":"is one of","ITEM":"Item","Item":"Item","itemName":"Item name","items":"Rows","Items":"Rows","Jan":"Jan","Jul":"Jul","Jun":"Jun","Just arrived":"Just arrived","Kansalaisuus_component":"Nationality","KansalaisuusMuu":"Other nationality","KansalaisuusMuu_component":"Nationality, other","Keep":"Add missing","keep existing trainings":"Add missing trainings to the person, does not affect person's existing trainings","Key":"Field","Key \/ Value pair(s)":"Select Value(s)","Keys":"Fields","Kieli_component":"Language","KieliMuu_component":"Language, other","kilograms":"kilograms","Kilograms":"Kilograms","KM Admin":"Admin","Koulutusmaailma is the easiest way to order trainings, search the training you are looking for from our catalogue. Some trainings are also available as online-trainings":"Koulutusmaailma is the easiest way to order trainings. Search the training you are looking for from our catalogue.","Label":"Label","Lahiosoite_component":"Street address","Language":"Language","Languages":"Languages","Large":"Large","Large Catalogue":"Large Catalogue","Large fire and \/ or explosion hazard":"Large fire and \/ or explosion hazard","Last 30 days":"Last 30 days","Last checked":"Last checked","Last checked at updated":"Last checked at updated","Last finished":"Latest update","Lastname":"Lastname","Lataa":"Loadin","Late":"Expired","Latest comments":"Latest reviews","leave empty for ask price":"leave empty for ask price","leave empty to disable":"leave empty to disable","Leave this conversation":"Leave conversation","less than":"less than","Less than once in 10 years":"Less than once in 10 years","Less than weekly and less than 1 hour per. month":"Less than weekly and less than 1 hour per. month","Level":"Level","Level and all unfinished lists will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?":"Level and all unfinished lists will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?","Level deleted":"Level deleted","levelName":"Level","levels":"Levels","Levels":"Levels","Life-threatening \/ irreversible injuries":"Life-threatening \/ irreversible injuries","Liikkumistapa_component":"Way of travelling","Likely":"Likely","Line":"Size","link":"Link","Link":"Link","Linked variants":"Linked variants","Links":"Links","Liquid":"Liquid","List":"List","List archived":"Archived","List unarchived":"Unarchived","Listing":"Listing","litres":"litres","Litres":"Litres","Load more...":"Load more...","Loading...":"Loading...","Log":"Log","Log in":"Log in","Logged in user":"Logged in user","Login":"Login","Login with your InstaAudit-username and password. If you have previously ordered trainings or your company has InstaAudit-account, then you have existing InstaAudit-account. You can also request new password if you have forgot it":"Login with your username and password. You can also request a new password if you have forgot your password","Logout":"Logout","looked at the private data":"aa","Lunch":"Lunch","lunch":"lunch","Lunch and two coffee breaks":"Lunch and two coffee breaks","Major":"Major","Make sure this device online and then try again":"Make sure this device online and then try again","Manage trainings and variants, add blog posts and reviews":"Manage trainings and variants, add blog posts and reviews","Manage your details and change your password":"Manage your user profile","Manually":"Manually","Manufacturer":"Manufacturer","Manufacturer does not exist":"Manufacturer does not exist in database","Manufacturer is not updating SDS's anymore":"Manufacturer is not updating SDS's anymore","Manufacturer is not updating this chemicals SDS's anymore":"Manufacturer is not updating this chemicals SDS's anymore","Manufacturer published SDS":"Manufacturer published SDS","Mar":"Mar","Marginal environmental damage":"Marginal environmental damage","Marginal fire and \/ or explosion hazard":"Marginal fire and \/ or explosion hazard","Marginal health hazard":"Marginal health hazard","Mark as done":"Mark as done","Mark as NOT posted":"Mark as NOT posted","Mark as posted":"Mark as posted","Mark as undone":"Mark as undone","MatkanKohdeReitti_component":"Travel description","Matrices":"Matrices","Max 5 per variant":"Max 5 photos per variant","May":"May","Maybe later":"Maybe later","Medium probability of exposure":"Medium probability of exposure","Menu":"Additional info","Method of use":"Method of use","Minimal":"Minimal","Minimum password length is":"Minimum password length is","Minor":"Minor","MitaTyontekijaOliTekemassaMitenKehittyi_component":"How did the injury happen and the incident developed","MitenVahinkotilanneKehittyiJaTapaturmaSattui_component":"How did the injury happen and the incident developed","Moderate":"Moderate","module duration":"Training duration for company's internal statistics (minutes)","module price":"Training price for company's internal statistics","module status":"Training status: Active = new trainings can be given Archived = New trainins cannot be given Deleted: Training is not visible in statistics","module valid amount":"How long completed training is valid","module valid type":"What unit did you use above","Modules":"Modules","Monday actions in your area of responsibility reminder":"Weekly reminder - tasks at your sites","Monday todo reminder":"Weekly reminder - tasks assigned to you","Monday trainings reminder":"Weekly reminder - expired and expiring trainings","month":"Month","Month":"Month","Monthly Site Audits (GMP)":"Site Audits (GMP)","More":"More","Morning coffee":"Morning coffee","Most Popular Trainings":"Most Popular Trainings","Move all created documents to another level, before deleting this level":"Move all created documents to another level, before deleting this level","Multirow":"Multirow","Must be in English":"Must be in English","My":"My","My courses":"My courses","My tasks":"My tasks","My Todos":"My Actions","Name":"Name","name":"Name","Name and email fields are required":"Name and email fields are required","Name of risk assessment":"Name of risk assessment","negative":"negative","Never":"Never","New":"New","New Admin":"New Account Owner","New Alert setting Created":"New Alert Created","New assigned todo":"You have been assigned a task","New Chemical":"New Chemical","New chemical":"New chemical","New chemical risk assessment created successfully":"New chemical risk assessment created successfully","New Code":"New Code","New Comment":"New Comment","New Contractor":"New Contractor","New conversation":"New conversation","New Conversation":"New conversation","New conversation has been created":"DELETE","New document comment":"New comment added to your observation","New document conversation message":"New conversation message","New field":"New field","New filled document in your responsable area":"New document created in your area of responsibility","New Language":"New Language","New Organisation":"New Organisation","New password":"New password","New Password":"New Password","New Password again":"New Password again","New password emailed to":"New password emailed to","New producer":"Add producer","New risk assessment":"New risk assessment","New tasks is assigned to user":"eng","New Template":"Create new template","New Text":"New Text","New Todo":"New Action","New translation":"New translation","New translation created":"New translation created","New User":"Create new user","New user created":"New user created","News":"Blog","Newsletter":"Newsletter","Next":"Next","Next available card number":"Next available card number","no":"No","No":"No","No cards with address":"No cards with address","No comments":"No comments","No conversations":"No conversations","No credits":"No credits","No deadline set":"No deadline set","No favorite tools yet.":"No favorite tools yet.","No internet access":"No internet access","No Internet access - Can't upload a photo. Trying again in 30sec":"No Internet access - Can't upload a photo. Trying again in 30sec","No internet connection":"No internet connection","No items found":"No items found","No Items Found":"No items found","No messages on this conversation yet":"This conversations has no messages","No notifications":"No notifications","No Payment fee":"No Payment fee","No Photos":"No Photos","No processing fields":"No processing fields","No responsible person":"No responsible person","No results":"No results","No risk assessment":"No risk assessment","No rules":"No rules","No score":"No score","No tags":"No tags","No total time":"No time yet","No upcoming training days, sorry":"No upcoming training days, sorry","No, thanks":"No, thanks","NonStop classroom":"NonStop","Normal":"Normal","Not Assigned":"Not Assigned","Not checked yet":"Not checked yet","not empty":"not empty","not enough credits":"Not enough credits","not one of":"not one of","Not posted":"Not posted","Not selected":"Not selected","Not valid email":"Not valid email","not_filled":"Not filled","notification_new alert":"New alert for you","notification_new comment":"added a new comment to the following action","notification_new list":"created a new document","notification_new message":"added a new comment to following conversation","notification_new todo":"assigned you an action","notification_new training assigned":"added training to you","notification_todo closed":"marked following action as done","notification_todo updated":"updated following action","notification_training deleted":"removed training from you","notification_training expired":"Your training has expired","notification_training modified":"modified your training","notification_training passed":"has passed successfully following training you assigned","Notifications":"Notifications","Nov":"Nov","Number of employees exposed":"Number of employees exposed","Number of exposed employees":"Number of exposed employees","Number_component":"Number","number_component":"Number","Observation":"Observation","Observation ID":"Observation ID","OBSERVATION_changed value":"changed ({{key}}), {{from}} -> {{to}}","Observations":"Observations","Occupational Safety Card":"Occupational Safety Card","Oct":"Oct","OEL Requirement":"OEL Requirement","Office hours":"Own employees: office (hours)","Ok":"OK","Old Password":"Old Password","Old versions":"Old versions","Olosuhde_component":"Circumstance","Once in 10 years or more often":"Once in 10 years or more often","Once in 5 years or more often":"Once in 5 years or more often","Once in year or more often":"Once in year or more often","one of":"one of","OnkoKyseessaVapaaajallaSattunutTapaturma_component":"Did the incident occur in employees freetime?","Online course":"Online course","Online courses will be assigned after the order has been made":"*If you are ordering online courses, you are able to start the elearning yourself or to assign it to someone else immediately after finishing the order","Online courses will be assigned in InstaAudit -platform after order has been made":"Online courses will be assigned in InstaAudit -platform after order has been made.","Online Training":"Elearning","Online training":"Elearning","Only for webauto courses":"Only for webauto courses","Only one tododate component allowed":"One tool can only contain one deadline component","Only one todouser component allowed":"One tool can only contain one responsible component","Open":"Open","Open classroom":"Open for everyone","Open Classroom":"Open for everyone","Open conversation":"Open conversation","Open course":"Open course","Open SDS":"Open SDS","Open_SDS":"Open SDS","openclassroom":"Open for everyone","Optional":"optional","optional":"optional","OR":"OR","orange":"orange","Order":"Order","Order confirmed":"Order confirmed","Order number":"Order number","Order summary":"Order summary","Order Summary":"Order Summary","Orders":"Orders","Organisation":"Organisation","Organisation Admin":"Account owner","Organisation default":"Organisation default settings","Organisations":"Organisations","Organizer":"Organizer","Osoite tiedossa_component":"Is injured persons address known?","Other comments":"Other comments","Other details":"Other details","Other participants":"Other participants","Other participants:":"Other participants:","our customer service center is working for you 24\/7":"our customer service center is ready to help you","Our customers":"Our customers","Our support helps organization admins via email 8.00 - 16.00":"Our support helps account owners by email on weekdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (EET). .","oxidising":"Oxidising","P Statements":"P statements","P statements":"P statements","P-statements":"P-statements","Participants":"Participants","Passed":"Completed","Password":"Password","Password is required to be at least":"Password is required to be at least","Passwords do not match":"Passwords do not match","Past":"Past","Paste":"Paste","Paulig Dashboard_dash":"Paulig Dashboard","PAY":"PAY","Pay":"Pay","Pay ":"Pay ","Pay easily with credit card without billing fees. All credit card payments are processed through Stripe":"Pay easily with credit card without billing fees. All credit card payments are processed through Stripe","Pay Later":"Pay with invoice","Pay Now":"Pay with credit card","Pay with bill, billing fee of 10\u20ac will be added to the final cost":"Pay with bill, billing fee of 10\u20ac will be added to the final bill","Pay with bill, billing fee of 5\u20ac will be added to the final cost":"Pay with invoice","Payment":"Payment","Payment fee":"Payment fee","Payment method":"Payment method","Payment Method":"Payment Method","Pending":"Pending","Permission":"Permission","Permission added for":"Permission added for","Permissions":"Permissions","Personal":"Personal","Personal details":"Personal details","Phone":"Phone","Phone number":"Phone number","Photo":"Photo","Photo added":"Photo added","Photo uploaded":"Photo uploaded","Photo_component":"Photo","photo_component":"Photo","Photos":"Photos","photos in queue":"photos in queue","Photos remaining to upload":"Photos remaining to upload","Place":"Place","Planned measures":"Planned measures","Please feel free to write an email to us":"Please feel free to write an email to us","Please fill all the fields before continuing":"Please fill all the fields before continuing","Please fill in the details":"Please fill in the details","Please fill in your address":"Please fill in the details","Please read the terms of service for details about cancellation":"Please read the terms of service for details about cancellation","Please update your app!":"Please update your app!","Please write a valid name":"Please write a valid name","Please write a valid private name":"Please write a valid private name","positive":"positive","Possible":"Possible","Possible exposure":"Possible exposure","Possible fire and \/ or explosion hazard":"Possible fire and \/ or explosion hazard","Post":"Save","Post address":"Post address","Post Comment":"Save comment","Post Status":"Post Status","Postal":"Postal code","Postal PDF":"Postal PDF","Posted":"Posted","Postinumero_component":"Postal number","Postitoimipaikka_component":"Postal area","Powder":"Powder","Prerequisite":"Prerequisite","Press save to add":"Press save to add","Prev":"Prev","Previous":"Previous","Price":"Price","Price is used for statistics. This price is not connected the platform fees paid by the client compa":"Price is used for companys internal statistics only..","Print":"Print","Printed":"Printed","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Private":"Private","Private classroom":"Private group","Private Classroom":"Private group","Private Name":"Private Name","privateclassroom":"Private group","Probability":"Probability","probability":"Probability","Proceed to checkout":"Proceed to checkout","Process":"Process","Processing":"Processing","Processing payment":"Processing payment","PROCESSING PHASE":"PROCESSING PHASE","Processing phase":"Processing phase","Processing the photo, cant remove yet":"Processing the photo, cant remove yet","Processing time":"Processing time, days","Producer":"Producer","Producer deleted successfully":"Producer deleted","Producer edited successfully":"Producer edited","Product":"Product","Product order":"Product order","Product variable name":"Variant name","Product Variant":"Product Variant","Product Variants":"Product Variants","Production hours":"Own employees: production (hours)","Products":"Products","Professional qualification certification":"Professional qualification certification","Professional Qualification HelpDesk":"Professional Qualification HelpDesk","Profile":"Profile","Profile image":"Profile photo","Profile image removed":"Profile photo removed","Profile image uploaded":"Profile photo uploaded","Profile picture":"Profile picture","Promo label":"Promo label","Promo labels":"Promo labels","Providing training services over 10 years":"We have been training leading industrial enterprises for over 10 years.","Public":"Public","public":"public","Public List":"Public","Published":"Published","Puhelinnumero_component":"Phone number (insurance certificate will be send as SMS-message to this number)","Quantity":"Quantity","Quarter":"Quarter","Queue progress":"Queue progress","Quick Guide":"Quick Guide","Quick guide":"Quick Guide","Quite rare":"Quite rare","ra_missing":"No risk assessment","ra_valid":"Risk assessment valid","Radio":"Radio","Radio_component":"Radio","radio_component":"Radio","Rare":"Rare","Rating":"Rating","Read more":"Read more","Read our latest news, new training launches and tips to improve your training management":"Read our latest news, new training launches and tips to improve your training management","Read our latest news, new training launches and tips to improve your training management.":"Read our latest news, new training launches and tips to improve your training management.","Read terms of service":"Read terms of service","Receive notifications":"Send notification","records of":"records of","red":"red","Registration done successfully":"Registration was as success, welcome to InstaAudit!","Remember that enrollment is binding":"Remember that enrollment is binding","Remember to set up permissions":"Remember to set up permissions","Remember to setup permissions":"Remember to setup permissions","Remove":"Remove","Remove all child levels, before deleting this level":"Remove all child levels, before deleting this level","Remove confirmation":"Remove observation","Remove file":"Remove file","Remove last participant":"Remove last participant","remove_user":"removed from this conversation","removed":"removed","removed file":"removed file","Renew":"Add and renew","renew all":"Renew all","renew all expiring before":"Renew only, if expiring before","Renew everything if expires before":"Renew all trainings, that are expiring before","renew existing trainings":"Add missing trainings to the person and renew person's trainings","Renew this training requirement and all the training requirements in this training package. For elea":"aa","Repeat new password":"Repeat new password","Replacement chemical":"Replacement chemical","Replacement chemical unset":"Replacement chemical unset","Replacement chemical:":"Replacement chemical:","Report has been sent":"Report has been sent:","Reported by":"Reported by","Reported by (email)":"Reported by (email)","reportedBy":"Reported by","Reporting":"Reporting","Reporting through QR-code or link":"Reporting through QR-code or link","Reproductive health":"Reproductive health","Request a New Password":"Request a New Password","Request Sent":"Request Sent","Required with categories":"Template-filter is required field in the Categories-tab","Reserve a spot to classroom training or start online-training immediately, choose the most convinient way for you":"Reserve a spot to classroom training or start online-training immediately. Choose the most convinient way for you","Reserve a spot to classroom training or start online-training immediately, choose the most convinient way for you.":"Reserve a spot to classroom training or start online-training immediately, choose the most convinient way for you.","Reset":"Reset","Reset all Filters":"Reset all Filters","Reset All Filters":"Reset All Filters","Reset confirmation":"Confirm reset","Reset Contractor":"Reset contractor information","Reset List Ids":"Back","reset-password.validation_capital":"At least one capital letter","reset-password.validation_characters":"At least 12 characters","reset-password.validation_number":"At least one number","reset-password.validation_passwords_match":"Passwords match","reset-password.validation_small":"At least one small letter","reset-password.validation_symbol":"At least one special character","Responsible":"Responsible","Result":"Status","Result title":"Result title","Results per page":"Results per page","Return":"Return","Retype 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all","Select":"Select","Select Code":"Select code","Select cost center":"Select cost center","Select course":"Select course","Select Course first":"Select course day first","Select course to see participants":"Select course to see participants","Select date":"Select date","Select document ID":"Select document ID","Select employees":"Select employees","Select event to see participants":"Select event to see participants","Select Expire Before":"Only expiring","Select file":"Select file","Select H and P statements":"Select H and P statements","Select Hazard Icon":"Select Hazard Icon","Select Hazard Icons":"Select Hazard Icons","Select Insurance Company":"Select Insurance Company","Select Item":"Select Row","Select Key":"Select Field","Select language":"Select language","Select Level":"Select level","Select level":"Select Level","Select level to copy to":"Select level to copy to","Select Levels":"Valitse kohde","Select levels where chemical is in use":"Select levels where chemical is in use","Select observation ID":"Select observation ID","Select participants":"Select participants","Select payment method":"Select payment method","Select payment method and enter payment details":"Select payment method and enter payment details","Select payment method.":"Select payment method.","Select product first":"Select product first","Select Product first from filters":"Select Product first from filters","Select SDS File":"Select SDS File","Select Tags":"Select tags","Select Template":"Select Template","Select Todo user":"Select Responsible","Select tool":"Select tool","Select Tool":"Select tool","Select variant":"Select variant","Select working hours":"Select working hours","Select_component":"Dropdown","select_component":"Dropdown","Selectable":"Selectable","Selected":"Selected","Selected users":"Selected users","Send":"Send","Send comment to another user":"Send comment to a user","Send comment to reporter":"Send comment to reporter","Send feedback":"Send feedback","Send invoice by":"Send invoice by","Send invoice to different address":"Send invoice to different address","Sep":"Sep","Service Status":"Service Status","Set":"Set","Set a file":"Set a file","Set Address":"Set Address","Set address now":"Set address now","Sets":"Categories","Settings":"Settings","Severe":"Severe","Severity":"Severity","severity":"Severity","Shopping cart":"Shopping cart","Short description":"Short description","Short Preview":"Short Preview:","shortlink_infotext":"When reporting through link, reporter's information is not saved, unless the reporter leaves their email address","Show":"Show","Show all":"Show all","Show chemicals without tags":"Show chemicals without tags","Show component":"Show component","Show filters":"Show filters","Show in hour reporting":"Show in hour reporting","Show JSON":"Show JSON","Show non-attached":"Show non-attached","Show observations without tasks":"Show observations without tasks","Show old risk assessments":"Show old risk assessments","Show only 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The course will be assigned to this email address and assigning courses consumes your credits.","The custom id must be unique":"The custom id must be unique","The deadline at field is required.":"The deadline at field is required.","The easiest way to order trainings":"The easiest way to order trainings","The email field is required.":"The email field is required.","The email must be a valid email address":"The email must be a valid email address","The email must be a valid email address.":"Verify email address format","The following users has been notified":"The following users has been notified","The invoice einvoice address field is required.":"EThe invoice einvoice address field is required.","The invoice einvoice operator field is required.":"The invoice einvoice operator field is required.","The invoice email email must be a valid email address.":"The invoice email must be a valid email address.","The invoice email field is required.":"The invoice email field is required.","The invoice type field is required.":"The invoice type field is required.","The name field is required.":"The name field is required","The phone field is required.":"The phone field is required.","The photos will be resized to 600x900 (widht x height). For the best results, resize the photos before uploading":"The photos will be resized to 600x900 (widht x height). For the best results, resize the photos before uploading","The possible action items":"The possible action items have also been assigned to the responsible persons for further actions.","The possible actions items":"The possible action items have also been assigned to the responsible persons for further actions","The postal field is required.":"The postal field is required.","The postal must be a number":"The postal must be a number","The postal must be a number.":"The postal must be a number.","The report can also be seen":"The report can also be seen in the","The short desc field is required":"The short desc field is required","The tool is now available on cloud also":"The tool is now available on cloud also","The Training cannot be deleted because it is completed":"Completed training cannot be deleted","The training includes a card":"The training includes a card","There are no scheduled training days at the moment":"There are no scheduled training days at the moment","There must be at least one group on the template":"There must be at least one group on the template","there_must_be_at_least_one_item_on_the_group_":"Add at least one row to group","there_must_be_at_least_one_item_on_the_group_{{group_name}}":"Add at least one row to group {{group_name}}","This account will manage orders and trainings":"You are able to manage all of your trainings with this account in the future","This action is irreversible and cannot be undone":"This action is irreversible and cannot be undone.","This chemical has no risk assessments":"This chemical has no risk assessments","This component copies matrix from the selected linked component. You can edit the matrix by editing the selected component.":"This component uses settings from linked component.","This course has been defined in":"This course has been defined in","This is a breaking change":"After this change the ability to compare the data changes","This is NOT visible for customers":"This is NOT visible for customers","This is visible for customers":"This is visible for customers","This observation does not have a task yet.":"This observation does not have a task yet.","This tool is protected, only organisation admins can modify it":"This tool is protected, only account owners can modify it","This user is already existing InstaAudit user":"This user is already existing InstaAudit user Invite user to your InstaAudit account from Permissions page","Time Range":"Time range","Time range":"Time range","Time unit":"Time unit","Timeline":"Version","Timeranges":"Time Range","Title":"Title","Title for news post":"Title for news post","Title_component":"Title","title_component":"Title","To":"To","Today":"Today","Todo":"Actions","todo":"task","Todo comment":"Description","Todo created":"Action created","Todo date_component":"Action deadline","Todo deleted":"Subtask deleted","Todo Status":"Action Status","Todo status":"Action Status","Todo status updated":"Actions status updated","Todo that you were part of has been edited":"Your observation has been updated (OLD)","Todo Updated":"Task updated","Todo user":"Responsible","Todo User_component":"Responsible","TODO_assigned this to":"assigned {{user}}","TODO_changed comment":"changed action's description ({{from}} -> {{to}})","TODO_changed deadline":"changed deadline ({{from}} -> {{to}})","TODO_changed status":"changed actions status","tododate_component":"Action deadline","Todos":"Actions","todoStatus":"Action status","Todostatus":"Action status","todouser_component":"Responsible","ToiminnanTarkennus_component":"Situation description","Tomorrow":"Tomorrow","tons":"tons","Tons":"Tons","Tool":"Tool","Toolbank":"Toolbank","Top Levels":"Top Levels","Top Templates":"Top Templates","Total":"Total","Total chemicals":"Amount of chemicals","Total reviews":"Total reviews","Total Time Spent":"Time spent","totalActions":"Sum of Actions","Totals":"Totals","totalTemplates":"Sum of templates","totalUndone":"Sum of Undone actions","toxic":"Acute toxicity","Tradename":"Tradename","Tradename or Manufacturer":"Tradename or Manufacturer","Training":"Training","Training deleted":"Training deleted","Training Module":"Training","Translation deleted":"Translation deleted","Translation editor":"Edit translations","Translation updated":"Translation updated","Try":"Try","Tusaus":"Forklift training","Ty\u00f6maa_dash":"Site","TyonlopetusAjankohta_component":"Work finished at","TyonPitiAlkaa_component":"Work was planned to start","TyonPitiPaattya_component":"Work was suppose to end","TyopaikkaTapahtumispaikkana_component":"Workplace description","Type":"Type","Type first card number":"Type first card number","Unarchive":"Unarchive","Unarchive confirmation":"Confirm unarchive","Unassigned":"Unassigned","Unassigned tasks":"Unassigned tasks","Undone":"Undone","UnDone":"Undone","Unfinished":"Unfinished","Unit":"Unit","Unlikely":"Unlikely","Unpublished":"Unpublished","unsaved_changes_in_template_editor":"You have unsaved changes. If you leave, your changes will be lost.","Unset replacement chemical":"Remove replacement chemical","Upcoming":"Upcoming","Updatable":"Updatable","Update":"Update","Update Alert setting":"Update alert","Update Log":"Update Log","Update tags":"Update tags","Updateable Checklist":"Updatable checklist","Updated":"Updated","Updated at":"Updated at","Updated existing":"Added to old","Upload":"Upload","Upload file":"Upload file","Upload time":"Upload time","Upload to maw":"Upload to Chemical Maw","Uploaded by":"Uploaded by","Uploaded PDF":"Uploaded PDF","Uploader":"Uploader","Usage":"Usage","Usage amount":"Usage amount per year","Usage amount (kg)":"Yearly usage (kg)","Usage time":"Usage time","use cents":"use cents","Use credits to assign online courses":"Use credits to assign online courses","Use different mail address":"Mailing address is different than the billing address","Use different mail address?":"Mailing address is different than the billing address.","Use Secondary Editor":"Use view suitable for long answers","Use time":"Use time","Use username to login":"This is your username, that you will use to login in the future","Used":"Used","Used for adding additional permissions":"The permissions assigned to a role apply to all users with that role and cannot be modified in the Users tab. If different sites of permissions are desired for users with that role, they must be set in the Users tab.","User":"User","User added to admins":"User added as an account owner","User can edit":"User can edit","User is required":"User is required","User not found":"User not found","User removed from admins":"User removed from account owners","User updated":"User updated","user_left":"left the conversation","Username":"Username","Users":"Users","users.two_factor.activated":"Two-factor authentication activated","users.two_factor.code":"Please enter onetime password code from authenticator app","users.two_factor.confirm":"Enable","users.two_factor.disable":"Disable two-factor authetication","users.two_factor.enable":"Enable two-factor authentication","users.two_factor.heading":"Two-factor authentication","users.two_factor.recovery_codes_info":"Recovery codes","users.two_factor.regenerate_codes":"Regenerate recovery codes","users.two_factor.scan_code_info":"Read the QR code with an authenticator app on your phone","Vahingoittuneen tiedot_component":"Injured person information","VakituinenTyontekopaikka_component":"Regular working address","Valid":"Valid","Valid amount":"Valid amount","Valid for":"Valid for","valid for (years)":"valid for (years)","Valid type":"Valid type","Valid until":"Valid until","Validating credit card details":"Validating credit card details","Value":"Value","Values":"Values","values":"Values","VapaaAjanVahinkokuvaus_component":"Freetime injury description","Variant name":"Variant name","Variant product name":"Variant product name","Variant product name (shown on certificate and InstaAudit etc)":"Variant product name (shown on certificate and InstaAudit etc)","Variants":"Variants","VAT":"VAT","VAT ID":"VAT ID","Very frequent":"Very frequent","Very high probability of exposure":"Very high probability of exposure","Very large fire and \/ or explosion hazard":"Very large fire and \/ or explosion hazard","Very likely":"Very likely","Very unlikely":"Very unlikely","View":"View","View or manage your order":"View your orders","Viewed private data":"Viewed private fields","Viikonpaiva_component":"Weekdate","Visibility":"Visibility","Visibility rules":"Component visibility","Wait! Uploading photos":"Wait! Uploading photos","Waiting":"Waiting","was placed on":"was placed on","We have been training leading industrial enterprises for over 10 years":"We have been training leading industrial enterprises for over 10 years","We offer over 30 trainings":"We offer over 30 trainings","We recommend Google Chrome -browser for the best user experience":"We recommend Google Chrome -browser for the best user experience","We strive to continuously improve the services":"We constantly innovate new digital services to our customers.","We will send you a confirmation email":"We will send you a confirmation email","Webauto kurssi_nimi":"Webauto course name","webhook":"Webhook","week":"Week","Week":"Week","Weekly, but less than 1 hour per. week":"Weekly, but less than 1 hour per. week","weeks per year":"weeks per year","Weeks per year":"Weeks per year","Welcome":"Welcome","When reporting through link, reporter's information is not saved.":"When reporting through link or QR -code, reporting is done anonymously.","When the course is completed, you will receive a card":"After completing this course, you will receive a card as proof of competence","When the course is completed, you will receive a card.":"When the course is completed, you will receive a card.","Where the card will be posted to":"Where the card will be posted to","Who needs a professional qualification for their driving license? Does construction worker, plumber or cleaner need a driver's professional qualification":"Who needs a professional qualification for their driving license? Does construction worker, plumber or cleaner need a driver's professional qualification","Who needs a professional qualification for their driving license? Does construction worker, plumber or cleaner need a driver's professional qualification? Do you need to know how many professional qualification days you have already? Professional Qualific":"Who needs a driver certificate of professional competence? Does construction worker, plumber or cleaner need a driver's professional qualification? Do you need to know how many professional qualification days you have already? Professional Qualific","Who wrote the review":"Who wrote the review","Who wrote the review?":"Who wrote the review?","Wondering about professional qualification? Let Koulutusmaailma's HelpDesk help you":"Wondering about professional qualification? Let Koulutusmaailma's HelpDesk help you","Work in progress":"Work in progress","Work with us":"Work with us","Working hours":"Working hours","Write comment to log":"Write comment to log","Write your comment here":"Write your comment here","Write your message here":"Write your message here","Wrong username or password":"Wrong username or password","X-Axis title":"X-Axis title","Y-Axis title":"Y-Axis title","Year":"Year","Year selection required":"Year selection required","Yearly Usage (kg)":"Yearly Usage (kg)","yes":"Yes","Yes":"Yes","You are logged in to this organisation in InstaAudit":"You are logged in to this InstaAudit-account","You are offline, this document is only available on this device":"You are offline, this document is only available on this device","You are using reserved component name":"You are using reserved component name","You can download the certification after it has been completed":"Training certification is available for downloading from all completed courses","You can only assign one credit to each account":"You can only assign one credit to each account","You can send credits to another user":"You can send credits to another user","You can use the credits on InstaAudit":"Start yourself or assign trainings to other users in InstaAudit's Training Registry","You can't change the professional qualification certification later":"You can't change the professional qualification certification later","You dont have active account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details":"You dont have active account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details","You dont have active InstaAudit account":"You dont have active InstaAudit account","You dont have active InstaAudit account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details":"You dont have active InstaAudit account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details","You dont have active InstaAudit account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details:":"You dont have active InstaAudit account. To manage your training information, you must have an account. Fill the following details:","You dont have enough credits":"You dont have enough credits","You have":"You have","You have bought online training credits":"You have bought online training credits","You have cells without name or value. Please fill all cells before continuing.":"Fill in cell (also X- and Y-axis) name and value before saving","You have existing InstaAudit account":"You have existing InstaAudit account","You have items in your shopping cart":"You have items in your shopping cart","You have no permissions to updated parent level":"You have no permissions to update parent level","You have open class in cart, we recommend invoice as payment method":"You are ordering open classroom training, therefore we recommend using invoice as payment method, thank you.","You have unsaved changes":"You have unsaved changes","You have unsaved changes in new rule":"You have unsaved changes in new rule","You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.":"You have unsaved changes in Observation or Process tab! If you leave, your changes will be lost.","You have x credits for training y":"You have {{amount}} credits for training {{template}} - Assign to user","You haven't started any trainings yet":"You haven't started any trainings yet","You haven't used any credits":"You haven't used any credits","You might also like":"You might also like","You reach our customer support at":"You can reach our customer support at","You will be contacted for more info":"You will be contacted for more info","You will be logged out on all devices?":"You will be logged out from all devices and from IOS\/Android-mobile app.","Your Bank Account BIC code":"Your Bank Account BIC code","Your Bank Account IBAN Number":"Your Bank Account IBAN Number","Your cart is empty":"Your cart is empty","Your courses":"Courses","Your credits":"Credits","Your Email Address":"Your Email Address","Your InstaAudit username, use this to login":"Your username, use this to login","Your Internet connection appears to be offline":"Your Internet connection appears to be offline","Your order hasn't shipped yet but we will send you ane email when it does":"","Your order is confirmed":"Your order is confirmed","Your order is confirmed.":"Your order is confirmed.","Your order will be now processed and you will receive more instructions by email soon":"Your order will be now processed and you will receive more instructions by email soon","Your orders":"Orders","Your orders in one place":"Your orders in one place","Your orders in one place.":"Your orders in one place.","Your organisation Business ID":"Your organisation Business ID","Your organisation official name":"Your organisation official name","Your organisation's contact Email":"Your organisation's contact email","Your profile":"Profile","Your Profile":"Profile","Your training has expired":"Your training has expired","Your trainings in one place":"Your trainings in one place","Your used credits":"Your used credits"}